Linux Setup

If Linux is installed:-
Now, immediately switch to the root user by typing the following command
$ su -
[root@inddlvtwlmas01 ~]#

Changing the IP Address of the Server:-
$ vi /etc/hosts
>Esc>:wq+shift+1 = Now it will save the file.

Changing the hostname of the Server:-
$ vi /etc/sysconfig/network
>Esc>:wq+shift+1 = Now it will save the file.

Now, Type the following Command:-
service network restart
This means network level configuration changes without re-starting the machine OK.

Now, Check IP address by typing ifconfig.
And also Check hostaname by typing hostname.

Now, again switch to root account to add or delete the accounts OK.
useradd sv-wl10
passwd sv-wl10
It will ask pwd for two times for conformationTyping password two times and for updating pwd also same OK.

userdel sv-wl10
Now the user is deleted OK

Changing owner:usergroup:-
$ chown sv-wl10:sv-wl10 apps

Changing files or folder permissions:-
[sv-wl10@inddlvtwlmas01 apps]$ chmod 755 *
This means under this directory all files and folders will have all permissions.

Home Directory:-
Right Click > Open in Terminal:-

cd  / => Go to root directory
Now switch to the root user by typing:-
su -
pwd: *******
Now switched to the root account.
pwd => Present working Directory.
mkdir apps
Changing owner permission:usergroup:-
chown sv-wl10:sv-wl10 apps
cd apps
Changing folder or file permissions:-
chmod 755 * 

Create Directory Structure to install jdk in Linux:-
Copy the jdk file here>Extract the file by typing:- 
zip file means:- unzip <file-name>
.gz means:- gzip -d <file-name>
Now tar files will be generated.
To see type:-
ls -lrt
Type following command to install jdk:-
tar -xvf <file-name.tar> .tar extension file.

Create Directory Structure to install weblogic in Linux:-
Copy the weblogic file here>Now go to jdk bin.

Go to jdk bin directory:-
cd /apps/jdk/jdk1.7.0_99/bin 

Type the following command to install weblogic software in Linux:-
./java -Xmx1024m -jar /apps/oracle/wls1036_generic.jar => Press Enter
The file will be extracted and GUI Mode will open or console mode:-

Steps for the installation of weblogic software:-

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